
I remember desperately searching the internet for ideas to help cure my “indigestion” earlier this year. If only!

From experience if it’s that bad, you’ve probably already tried codeine, paracetamol, ibuprofen etc and you need to call NHS to ask their advice.

1. One thing I’ve found whilst waiting for help (at the doctor’s or in A&E) is to concentrate on my breathing. Take in deep breaths through your nose. Try counting your breaths and filling your lungs right up each time. It might only relieve the pain a little but it helps calm the rising panic!

2. Fennel tea is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties and I find it quite soothing.

3. Hot waterbottle

4. Take pain killers as soon as you feel an attack coming on.

5. At the onset, especially if the attack is NOT food related (and you didn’t just eat a massive pizza), stop what you’re doing straight away and try and relax. Don’t try and fight through it. The tenser I am, the worse it gets!

Any other ideas anyone?

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